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Write on, Wildcats

Bethel's Quality Enhancement Plan

Writing Rubric


Bethel's Writing Rubric

  Capstone Milestone Milestone Benchmark Score-(0-4)
Outcome 4 3 2 1  
SLO 1. The student writer will create written works that are well-suited to the audience, purpose, and circumstances of each writing task. Demonstrates thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses on all elements of the work Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g.., the task aligns with the audience, purpose and context). Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose and to the assigned task(s) (e.g., begins to show awareness of the audience's perceptions and assumptions). Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, and purpose and to the assigned task(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience).  
SLO 2. The student writer will create written works [1] centered on a thesis or main idea and [2] supporting content. [1] The main idea is clear [2] supported by relevant anecdotes and details. The main idea is [1] readily identified [2] enriched content supports that idea. The main idea is [1] present [2] may be broad or simplistic. The main idea is [1] present, but not really discernible [2] is confusing.  
SLO 3. The student writer will create well-structured and clearly written paragraphs. ([1] Central topic (Unified) [2] Organization (Coherent) [3] Supporting material (Well-developed)) Each paragraph [1] enchances and showcases the central idea; [2] order of information is compelling; moves the reader through the text [3] and additional content that explains the topic. Each paragraph [1] includes a readily identified topic; [2] order of information moves the reader through the text with little confusion [3] and additional content that is relevant to the topic. Each paragraph [1] includes an underlying topic [2] order of information slows the reader's movement through the text [3] and additional content is mostly relevant to the topic Each paragraph [1] lacks a clearly identifiable central topic [2] order of information significantly impedes the readers movement through the text [3] and additional content is mostly relevant to the topic.  
SLO 4. The student writer will determine when information is needed and locate, and incorporate credible information in written work. ([1] Sources [2] Integrate [3] Organize [4] Synthesize [5] Analyze and interpret) [1] Contains appropriate variety of sources to address the research question. [2] Gathered information is effectively situated; gaps/weaknesses are accounted for successfully. [3] Information is organized to suit audience, purpose, and inquiry.[4] Ideas from multiple sources synthesized effectively. [5] Information effectively analyzed and interpreted for logical conclusions. [1] Contains variety of sources though some may be inappropriate to the research question. [2] Gathered information is somewhat situated; gaps/weaknesses are accounted for nominally. [3] Information somewhat organized to audience, purpose, and inquiry. [4] Some ideas from multiple sources synthesized effectively. [5] Information somewhat analyzed and interpreted for logical conclusions [1] Contains more than one source that may not be relevant to the research question. [2] Some gathered information is situated; gaps/weaknesses may not be noted. [3] Information mostly not organized to suit audience, purpose, and inquiry. [4] Few ideas from multiple sources synthesized effectively. [5]Information mostly not analyzed or interpreted for any logical conclusions. [1] Contains at least one basic outside source. [2] All gathered information is not situated; gaps/ weaknesses are not noted at all. [3] Information not organized at all to suit audience, purpose and inquiry. [4] No ideas from multiple sources synthesized effectively. [5] Little or no information is analyzed or interpreted and are absent.  
SLO 5. The student writer will create written works that are grammatically correct, free of spelling errors, and that employ words in accordance with their dictionary definitions. Few or no errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word choice, or spelling. Some errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word choice, or spelling. Some errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word choice, or spelling that may interfere with the communication of the of the message. Errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word choice, or spelling that significantly interferes with the communication of the of the message and undermines the authority of the writer.  
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