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New Directional Behavioral Health (EAP)

This Month's Tip

Back to School

Getting a new school year off to a good start can influence your child’s attitude, confidence and performance both socially and academically. After the ups and downs of remote learning over the past school year, it might take some extra adjusting this time around. Even children who are eager to return must adapt to the greater levels of activity, structure and for some, pressures associated with school life.

As a parent, you can help your child manage the increased pace by planning ahead, being realistic and maintaining a positive attitude. Here are a few tips to help ease the transition and promote a successful school experience:

Clear your own schedule. If possible, postpone business trips, volunteer meetings and extra projects so you can be free to help your child acclimate to the school routine.

Set alarm clocks early. Praise your child for prompt response to morning schedules and bus pickups. Make sure your child has plenty of time to get up, eat breakfast and get to school.

Review your child’s schoolbooks. Talk about what your child will be learning during the year. Share your enthusiasm for the subjects and your confidence in your child’s ability to master the content.

Meet your child’s teacher(s). Be sure to attend back to-school night and introduce yourself to their teachers. Find out how they like to communicate with parents (e.g., through notes, e-mail or phone calls) and show that you want to partner with them to enhance your child’s learning experience.

Rely on your EAP to make things easier. Your free EAP benefit can help you with things like counseling for your child who is hesitant about transitioning back to school, work/life balance resources, finding child care in your area and more.

  • A new school year can be scary – for children and parents alike – but it doesn’t have to be. Lean on your support system (including your EAP) to help you and your family make the most of this year. 

    To take full advantage of your EAP this month, go online to register for this month’s free webinars:

         Emotional well-being for parents
         Manager as a coach

Additional Resources