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Sociology : Your Compass for a New World

This balanced, mainstream, beautifully written, and totally up-to-date text is unrivaled in its ability to get students to see the connection between themselves and the social world. It teaches students "how" to think sociologically, not just "what" to think, and emphasizes the importance of diversity and a global perspective.

Oxford Dictionary of Sociology

The Dictionary of Sociology is one of the most informative and wide-ranging reference books of its kind. Compiled by a team of sociological experts, it is packed with over 2,500 entries, each elaborated with clear descriptions and in-depth analysis, making the most complicated subjects easy to understand. 

Medical Sociology

For upper-division undergraduate/beginning graduate-level courses in Medical Sociology, and for Behavioral Science courses in schools of Public Health, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing. 

The Sociology Student Writer's Manual

The text is a perfect complement to any distance learning course. The most comprehensive book available that deals specifically with writing sociology papers, this reference/manual helps both beginning and advanced students learn how to research and write in sociology, and how to improve their writing ability in general.

Class, Race, Gender, and Crime

A remote Siberian town with a darkly fascinating history teems with life in this luminous linked debut collection Kseniya Melnik's Snow in May introduces a cast of characters bound by their relationship to the port town of Magadan in Russia's the Far East, a former gateway for prisoners assigned to Stalin’s forced-labor camps. 

The Handbook of Political Sociology

This Handbook provides a complete survey of the vibrant field of political sociology. Part I explores the theories of political sociology. Part II focuses on the formation, transitions, and regime structure of the state. Part III takes up various aspects of the state that respond to pressures from civil society.

The Blackwell companion to sociology of religion

The Blackwell Companion to Sociology of Religion is presented in three comprehensive parts. 

The Sociology of American Drug Use

Revised and updated in its second edition, The Sociology of American Drug Use is an ideal text for drug courses offered in sociology and criminology departments. 

The Sociology of News

Michael Schudson treats soberly and skeptically a great deal of what passes for wisdom about the press in popular opinion, academic research, and journalists' own self-understanding. 

The Promise of Sociology

Unlike most introductory texts that take a topical approach to study sociology, this smart, challenging, and accessibly written text looks at the core principles of the discipline, making links to a contemporary context. 

Rights for Victims of Crimes

When the victims of injustice lose faith in their justice system, the crime they've endured cuts only deeper, adding insult to injury. The time has come to face the truth that most victims of crime will not have their needs met and often won't experience our systems of justice as just. 

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