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Bethel Library: Guidelines and Procedures


The Burroughs Learning Center team is committed to providing an environment that is supportive of each individual’s academic achievements. Building visitation and conduction guidelines have been put in place in an effort to maintain an environment that is conducive to academic learning.

The building guidelines address the use and protection of the Library’s collections, the Burroughs Learning Center building, and equipment; the Library environment; Library staff security procedures; BU Tutoring spaces, and staff.


Conduct Guidelines


The following behaviors are in conflict with the mission of the Burroughs Learning Center Library and are not permitted.

  • Removing, or attempting to remove, library materials or property without checkout or other official library authorization.
  • Concealing, or reserving without Library authorization, material in the Library for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
  • Stealing or knowingly possessing stolen Burroughs Learning Center Library property.
  • Failing either to return or renew library materials when due or failing to clear delinquent accounts.
  • Defacing, mutilating, vandalizing, or otherwise damaging Burroughs Learning Center Library property, which includes furniture or equipment.
  • Opening emergency exits, except when in an emergency, or blocking emergency exits.
  • Being in non-public areas without authorization or in library facilities during closed hours.
  • Use of any tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs while in the Library.
  • Creating a disruption or distracting behavior
  • Exhibiting any behavior not conducive to a professional learning environment including being loud or boisterous, being rude or insulting to library staff, swearing or using foul language, being overly affectionate (kissing, sitting on laps, laying on top of someone, etc.), or leaving trash in anything other than a trash can.
  • Refusing to show Student ID or other identification upon request of Library Staff.
  • Consuming food or drinking liquids in unapproved containers in the Library.
  • Sleeping in the Library. It is understood that students will be working long hours, exhaustion occurs and students may fall asleep while studying; however “camping out” or needing a place to take a nap, inside the Library is not permitted.

Computer Access and Use

  • All computers are monitored and visible to the library staff at all times.
  • Unauthorized use of Library computers can result in loss of privileges.
  • It is prohibited to use Library computers to view pornography, ­­­­violence, illegal activities, or any such websites. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Cell Phone

Please respect others’ privacy and need for a quiet place in which to study and observe these guidelines that have been put in place regarding the use of cell phones in the Library.

Cell phones must be turned on silent or off. Cell phone use is prohibited throughout the Library. Calls are to be taken outside of the Burroughs Learning Center as a courtesy to those who are studying. In the event that an individual is talking or video calling on their cell phone while in the Library, they will be asked to please take the call outside by L­ibrary Staff (this includes talking on headphones/earbuds). If the individual refuses, Security will be called to handle the situation.  The individual will then be reported to the Library Dean.

Photography, Videotaping, or Filming

Out of respect for other's privacy and the need for a quiet space in which to study, photography, videotaping, or filming must be approved by the Library Dean.


Individuals or groups wishing to photograph, videotape, or film within the Library must:

  1. Email the Library Dean at to Request to Photograph/Videotape/Film in the Burroughs Learning Center Library form at least 3 weeks prior to the date needed (See the end of Code of Conduct Form Section).
  2. Have received a copy of the approved request.
  3. Present the copy of the approved request to the Library Staff at the time the photography/videotaping/filming is to take place.
  4. Obtain prior consent of any individual who is to be the subject of the photography/videotaping/filming.

Right to Terminate

The Burroughs Learning Center Library reserves the right to terminate any photography/videotaping/filming that causes an undue disturbance, violates Library or Bethel University policies or regulations, or endangers the health and safety of participants, Library patrons, or Library Staff. If those violating the Library or University’s policies or regulations refuse, Security will be called to handle the situation.  The parties involved will then be reported to the Library Dean depending on if the individual is a student or community patron.


Only light snacks and drinks with lids can be enjoyed in the Library. No messy foods, delivery of outside items, and foods that will damage library property. 


Delivery of food from outside vendors is not allowed.

Equipment and Transportation

Visitors to the Burroughs Learning Center will need to place any bikes, scooters, or similar transportation items in the designated bike rake.

Scooters and bikes are not allowed in the Burroughs Learning Center. Please park these items in the exterior bike racks.

Contact Us
Library Phone: (731) 352-4083 - Library Email:
BU Tutoring Phone (731) 352-6926 - BU Tutoring Email:
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